Sjögren’s Syndrome: the most common illness that people have NEVER heard of!
Cambridgeshire Sjögren’s Syndrome support group
Carol Burns and Henrietta Breitmeyer set up the Cambridgeshire Sjögren’s Syndrome support group in 2014 because they realised the huge benefit to sufferers of being able to talk with people who fully understand each others’ illnesses.
Sadly the group lost Carol in 2020 but Henrietta still runs the group, now with support from Ann Lumsden, and other members. As part of the British Sjögren’s Syndrome Association Henrietta represents the Cambridgeshire group as a UK BSSA co-ordinator. When you become a member you can join private chat groups in WhatsApp, Facebook and email so we can all share information and help within the group.
Our group is very active, friendly and informative. We are a real support for each other, and, as well as sharing experiences of the condition we share the latest information we have learned and ways to manage Sjögren’s Syndrome and its many associated effects. If you are affected by this condition we would love you to join us.
We will meet in person in an accessible central location. It’s important to us to make sure members from all areas surrounding Cambridge, and with any sort of mobility issues, can come to our meetings.
If you suffer from Sjogrens or also know someone that is suffering, we would love to hear from you or for you to join us. A friendly face or voice on the end of a telephone who knows exactly what you are going through can really help. We have members from several counties and will continue to welcome people from Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk if ours is the nearest or most appropriate group to join.
Please feel free to contact us below if we can help. We look forward to sharing our experiences, knowledge and coping strategies with you – be this on social media or at our informal and friendly meetings.
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